Journalists interested in environmental issues in the Mekong region can attend this free webinar.
As part of the Mekong, Our Say webinar series, Internews' Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is hosting the webinar “Must the environment be sacrificed for infrastructure development?” It will discuss case studies and solutions, especially how Mekong countries can continue to benefit from infrastructure development while safeguarding the health of the environment and humans.
The webinar will feature Ryan McNeill, deputy editor - data journalism at Reuters, who will share his team’s investigation for Reuters’ The Bat Lands series; Denis Smirnov, independent environmental investigator, who will share his investigation on illegal logging in the Mekong region, especially in Cambodia and Laos; and Urvana Menon, technical lead - linear infrastructure at WWF, who will talk about the WWF’s recent study that proposes a holistic model for planning, designing, and constructing resilient and inclusive linear infrastructure in ASEAN.
The webinar will be held Aug. 24.
Thai and Khmer simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
Register now.