Advanced investigative journalism workshop [Latin America]

Posted on Nov 8, 2023 in Investigative Journalism

Latin American journalists with an investigative background are eligible to apply to this program.

The Columbia Journalism School, the Diego Portales University School of Journalism, the Latin American Center for Investigative Journalism (CLIP), and the Columbia Global Center - Santiago, organize a workshop on advanced techniques in investigative journalism using open source intelligence. It will take place March 18-23, 2024, in Santiago de Chile.

The course will cover investigative journalism methodologies, introduction to open data, search tools for people, institutions and companies, social media and other digital footprints, legal, physical and general security of high-risk investigations, and cross-border investigations.

To apply, participants must submit a reporting proposal.

A maximum of 14 participants will be accepted. The cost of the workshop, support materials and lunches will be covered. Selected candidates will be responsible for covering their own airfare and accommodation expenses in Santiago.

The deadline is Dec. 15.