IJNet, HackPack host webinar on freelancer safety in 2020 and beyond [Worldwide]

Posted on Nov 10, 2020 في Digital and Physical Safety

Freelance reporters, photojournalists and videographers can register for this free program.

IJNet and HackPack are organizing a webinar on freelancer safety in 2020 and beyond at 11 a.m. EST/4 p.m. GMT on Nov. 17, as part of a series of #FreelanceHacks.

The webinar will cover safety threats freelancers face moving forward, tips for navigating challenging conversations with editors and resources for additional support.

Panelists include independent journalist Aliya Bashir, independent photographer Christian Monterrosa and the executive director of ACOS Alliance, Elisabet Cantenys

The hourlong webinar will include 15 minutes for Q&As.