Webinar series focuses on video content creation [Asia Pacific]

Posted on May 8, 2020 في Multimedia Journalism

Journalists in the Asia Pacific region are invited to attend these webinars.

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and the Facebook Journalism Project (FJP) are organizing a four-part webinar series on Virtual Video Content Creation, starting on May 15 to 22.

The webinars will be conducted in English by leading digital video practitioners. Please register for each webinar individually.

Be water: 5 key tips to adjust your digital video workflow to working remotely

Presenter: Alba Mora Roca
Date: May 15, 2020
Time: 4 p.m. Singapore Time (GMT+8)

Being like water means that you never stay in a fixed pattern, that you change with the change, constantly improving based on the situations you face. In this session, Alba Mora Roca, Executive Producer of AJ+ Español, will dive into the five ways that she has adjusted our video workflow in the newsroom. The post covid era has left us with different software, tools and ways to produce digital video in a remote team structure.

Click here to register for this webinar.

Apps, accessories and best practices to turn your phone into a professional quality

Presenter: Jacob Templin
Date: Monday, May 18, 2020
Time: 9am Singapore Time (GMT+8)

If you have a smartphone, chances are you have a professional quality video camera at your disposal. But knowing when and how to use it is important. In this session, Templin will discuss the apps and accessories you will need, and outline the best practices when it comes to shooting video on your phone, whether you are shooting yourself, or asking sources to shoot for you. 

Click here to register for this webinar.

The art and science of remote video interviews

Presenter: Alan Haburchak
Date: May 20, 2020
Time: 9 a.m. Singapore Time (GMT+8)

In 2020 travel is limited and in-person interviews are often impossible for most video journalists. But that doesn't mean your news org can't get great interview footage to broadcast and/or publish online! 

This session will cover a few simple/inexpensive technical methods for facilitating and capturing remote interviews between reporters and subjects, and also provide important guidance on how to re-shape reporters' interview techniques for the remote environment.

Click here to register for this webinar.

Reset, reframe and repack – how to remain creative during COVID-19

Presenter: Nuno Vargas
Date: May 22, 2020
Time: 4 p.m. Singapore  time (GMT+8)

This is journalism’s finest hour, when everybody is waiting for information, making our users very focused on the news again. How can we use this in our favor? In this session, Vargas will discuss the benefits of micro videos, the ins and outs of what makes users interact with video products, how to turn engagement into revenue, and building a community of content consumers and content creators.

Click here to register for this webinar.