Civil society innovators, governmental agencies, academic departments and entrepreneurs can apply for this program.
The Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Center (LACNIC)'s Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean (FRIDA, in Spanish) will provide opportunities for strengthening the capacities and networking of civil society organizations, businesses, governments and universities that work to articulate the potential of information technologies and communication in the region.
The FRIDA program consists of awards and grants:
The FRIDA Technology and Gender Grant will provide US$20,000 to develop one innovative initiative that promotes gender equity through technology. Priority will be given to initiatives focused on the development of digital skills among women and girls; participation of women in digital markets; digital rights and greater security and inclusion of women and girls online; and support for the involvement of women in the Internet industry.
The FRIDA Awards to Community Networks will provide US$5,000, plus a scholarship to participate in the World Internet Governance Forum 2019 in Berlin, to an initiative of digital community networks whose impact has been demonstrated.
The deadline is May 15.