Grant available for covering migration and misinformation [Latin America]

Posted on Apr 30, 2019 في Collaborative Journalism

Journalists or groups of journalists in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela and who have set up a cross-border collaboration team can apply for this opportunity.

The Gabriel García Márquez Foundation for a New Iberoamerican Journalism (FNPI) and Oxfam offer a journalism grant for covering migration and disinformation.

The program will support a cross-border collaboration between two or more media outlets in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and/or Venezuela to undertake an investigation into how misinformation and false information has spread regarding migration processes. The winning team will receive up to US$7,000 to cover their expenses and fees.

Interested teams must submit a research proposal, a budget and a general timetable, as well as a letter of support from the media involved.

The deadline is May 29.