Travel journalism online course open [Latin America, Spain]

Posted on Sep 20, 2023 في Specialized Topics

Anyone interested in travel journalism can register for this online workshop in Spanish.

Periodistas Viajeros hosts a seven-week travel journalism workshop from Oct. 28 to Dec. 9. The training aims to provide tools and techniques to work on travel stories through writing, photography, video or social media, and to monetize a travel journalism project.

Topics include the work of prominent travel authors, how to identify and deal with cultural stereotypes and how to choose appropriate digital platforms to publish your travel experiences.

Participants will receive reading materials and exercises, access a WhatsApp group and attend live webinars.

The cost of the workshop is ARS32,000 for residents of Argentina, with discounts of 25 percent and 20 percent depending on the payment method until Oct. 10. For those residing outside the country, the cost is US$150 until Oct. 10.

Registration is ongoing.