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The "promise and perils" of data journalism MOOCs

作者 IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 发表在 Social Media

Online courses in data-driven reporting, predictions for 2014 journalism, a new resource of digital tools and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Data journalism MOOCs offer new options for distributed learning

So are MOOCs the secret to unlocking data journalism’s secrets, meeting the demand for people who can build news apps, data visualizations and crunch government data sets around the world? In a word, no. (Tow Center, 12/13)

What will news look like in 2014? Mobile, Social, Video

News is a growth business. People have never consumed more news, and there have never been more creative opportunities available to those who cover it. (Nieman Lab, 12/19)

“Digital Tools for Journalists”: 2nd edition of Knight Center’s book in Spanish now available for free

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas has published its most recent e-book in Spanish, the second edition of "Digital Tools for Journalists," by award-winning Argentine journalist Sandra Crucianelli. (Knight Center, 12/16)

Twitter users are furious at new "breaking news" alerts

Twitter has recently been experimenting with breaking news alerts, pushing news tweets out to thousands of unsuspecting users. What sounds like an obvious boon for both Twitter and news organizations, however, hasn’t exactly been well-received by users. (Buzzfeed, 12/19)

CIMA offers the Mash Up free via email. Sign up here.

Cropped image CC-licensed on Flickr via okfn.