Two new tools aim to make sharing audio easier

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Oct 30, 2018 в Multimedia Journalism

How to share audio using Audiograms and Shortcut, a new Latin American cybersecurity tool and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Two new tools at the cutting edge of audio sharing

When you hear a great story on the radio, there is no easy way to send it to your friends. You might be in the car listening to live radio, doing the dishes with a podcast on, or streaming on the computer. Wherever you’re listening, the best you could do is send them a link to the Soundcloud, and tell them the timestamp at which to start.

Two new tools are aiming to make it easier to share audio. (Columbia Journalism Review, 10/19)

Project Shield seeks to protect media and freedom of expression from cyber attacks in Latin America

A new tool is available to Latin American newsrooms looking for protection against cyber attacks.

Project Shield, which has been available since February, was presented on Oct. 13 during the 72nd IAPA General Assembly in Mexico City in the hopes of promoting its use among Latin American news organizations. (Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, 10/17)

Facts we can believe in: How to make fact-checking better

The latest ‘Beyond Propaganda’ paper looks at recent claims that we are living in a ‘post-fact’ world. Authored by Alistair Shawcross, this publication examines the role of fact-checking organizations in combating disinformation and points towards recommendations for the future. (Legatum Institute, 10/2016)

Turn up the volume: Empowering women through media

Women are underrepresented in the decision-making processes that affect their lives, from G20 summits and national parliaments, to local governments and even households. In many cases, media not only reflects inequalities between men and women, but also amplifies and entrenches them.

This practice briefing sets out what BBC Media Action has learned about how media can provide a platform for both men and women to hold their leaders to account, while empowering them to participate in their own communities. (BBC Media Action, 10/2016)

CIMA offers the Mash Up free via email. Sign up here.

Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Olli Henze.