Why investigative journalists should know a thing or two about spycraft

Автор IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 в Social Media

Journalists mastering digital espionage, how tech is making it safer for Mexican reporters, media censorship protests in Turkey and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Here are IJNet's picks from this week's stories:

Spycraft for journalists

Reporters who want to break big news about powerful and secretive government and business interests have to know their digital espionage tradecraft. (Capital, 2/19)

How technology could mean safer reporting for Mexican journalists

The type of news being covered [in Mexico] is riskier, and having adequate security protocols has become all the more important. (PBS MediaShift, 2/19)

Turkey: journalists protest about media censorship

In Turkey, around 200 journalists protested against censorship and government pressure on the media. (Euronews, 2/16)

Can Twitter predict major events such as mass protests?

The idea that the Twitter stream is a window into the future is persuasive. But is it true? (MIT Technology Review, 2/18)

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Image CC-licensed on Flickr via blackdenimgumby.