With global news consumption on the rise, media outlets must improve engagement

Автор IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 в Social Media

How digital news consumption is growing, news outlets reaching new audiences via chat apps, and more are found in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Here are IJNet's picks from this week's stories:

Global digital news audience increased by 23 percent in 2013

According to the World Press Trends report, more people are reading the news than ever before - but news outlets need to improve audience engagement to make their businesses sustainable. (journalism.co.uk, 6/10)

Around the world, media outlets and journalists are using chat apps to spread the news

The BBC is on WhatsApp, WeChat, BBM, and Mxit, doing reporting and reaching new audiences. Can news organizations scale chat apps up from one-to-one to one-to-many? (Nieman Journalism Lab, 6/10)

Digital news study reveals the power of star journalists

The power of key journalists in helping drive traffic to online news brands has been revealed in a new study published by the University of Oxford. (Phys.org, 6/12)

Six social search tools to help journalists find and analyze trends on Twitter

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are bursting with information thanks to people and organizations the world over ready and willing to share. For journalists these platforms can make for invaluable resources – that is if they know how to use them. (Northwestern University Knight Lab, 6/9)

2014 trends in newsrooms: the 10 trends that the news business can’t afford to ignore

The need to urgently shield investigative journalism in the post-Edward Snowden era is the burning issue in newsrooms globally, according to the World Editors Forum‘s Trends in Newsrooms 2014 report, launched this week. (PBS Mediashift, 6/11)

CIMA offers the Mash Up free via email. Sign up here.

Image CC-licensed on Flickr via Yagan Kiely.