Citizen journalism outdoes traditional reporting in Syria

Автор IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 в Digital Journalism

Citizen journalism in Syria, challenges for reporters in Afghanistan, a new cooperative for journalists and more are found in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Here are IJNet's picks from this week's stories:

Citizen journalism gets more stories out than traditional reporting in war-torn Syria

Citizen reporters are increasingly getting stories out of remote areas of Syria, which are difficult for traditional media to reach during the conflict, according to data collated for Index on Censorship magazine. (, 6/16)

Afghanistan’s journalists betrayed

NSA's mass surveillance may unfairly implicate the country's courageous reporters for communicating with insurgents. (Al Jazeera America, 6/18)

Meet Deca, the latest journalism cooperative

Most freelance writers operate as lone wolves, pitching stories in a high-risk and increasingly lower reward field. But a new co-op of nine journalists with pedigrees from The New Yorker, The Atlantic and other prestigious titles, and with nods from the Pulitzer Prize committee and the National Magazine Awards, has banded together to edit and promote each other's stories. (Capital, 6/12)

Reddit's newsgathering comes of age after growing pains

In the hours and days after the Boston Marathon bombing, the hive mind of Reddit sprang into action. Redditors studied pictures from the scene, listened to police scanners and pieced together information in attempts to identify the suspects. It was the culmination of what had become a popular pastime on the link-sharing site - compiling breaking news reports from disparate sources to provide what its users considered to be a richer and more timely picture than mainstream news reports. (Mashable, 6/13)

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Image CC-licensed on Flickr via Freedom House.