Visualize news stories with these top tips

Автор IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 в Digital Journalism

Five tips for telling a great visual story, Instagram wants a larger — and experienced — editorial staff and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

5 essential tips for great visual storytelling

Visuals to accompany a great piece of writing or reportage are like the icing on the cake. (

Instagram looks to expand its editorial team

Instagram is currently looking to hire at least five more people to help with “daily editorial” production, and it wants candidates with legitimate editorial bonafides. (Digiday, 2/3)

Why journalism professors should teach accuracy checklists

If a technique were proven to reduce errors, don’t you think journalists, journalism organizations and journalism educators would race to embrace it? To demand that journalists follow it? To teach it in J-schools?

Well, as Craig Silverman has pointed out repeatedly, the checklist is the most effective system of preventing errors, so effective that pilots and surgeons use checklists routinely when they fly and operate. (PBS Mediashift, 2/2)

BuzzFeed grew its Latino audience the old-fashioned way: with content

BuzzFeed has had a goal for the past year: Grow its Latino audience. Its mix of content did better among young whites than non-whites, and it was showing up in its traffic. The site decided to take action, and a year later, it’s seen results — results that could have lessons for others hoping to reach an underserved demographic group. (Nieman Journalism Lab, 2/3)

CIMA offers the Mash Up free via email. Sign up here.

Main image CC-licensed by Cory M. Grenler.