Using technology in the newsroom on a budget

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Oct 30, 2018 в Digital Journalism

How to cheaply use technology in the newsroom, chat apps as a way to distribute news and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Keeping up with the Times: Free tech for nonprofit newsrooms

The New York Times just shipped a virtual reality headset to every one of its Sunday subscribers. The Washington Post comes pre-installed on all Kindle Fire devices sold in the United States. NowThisNews publishes natively on just about every social network out there, completely forgoing the traditional news website.

The lines between journalism and technology are blurring. How can small nonprofit newsrooms with no tech teams and limited funding keep up? (Poynter, 11/12)

Guide to chat apps

Messaging apps now have more global users than traditional social networks—which means they will play an increasingly important role in the distribution of digital journalism in the future. While chat platforms initially rose to prominence by offering a low-cost, web-based alternative to SMS, over time they evolved into multimedia hubs that support photos, videos, games, payments and more. (Tow Center for Digital Journalism, 11/9)

Sahar Speaks, partnered with The Huffington Post, aims to open doors for female reporters from Afghanistan

One-fifth of the approximately 9,000 journalists in Afghanistan are women, according to Sahar Speaks founder Amie Ferris-Rotman. But none were working for any of the foreign news outlets in Kabul. (Nieman Lab, 11/12) 

El País columnist says dismissal tied to his criticism of media independence

A veteran journalist said on Wednesday that El PaísSpain’s leading newspaper, had ended his column after he questioned editorial independence in Spain in an article in The New York Times about the growing financial and government pressures on the Spanish news media that also discussed recent newsroom tensions at El País and other publications. (The New York Times, 11/11)

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Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Graham Holliday.