How social media spurs evolution at every level of the news industry

Автор IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 в Digital Journalism

Social media’s effects on journalism, China’s impact on African media and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

The great disrupter of the news industry

In the past seven years, the news industry has been turned on its head by social media, in terms of how stories are discovered, visual content is sourced and stories are distributed. Social media skills are no longer considered niche in journalism — instead, they impact how an entire news organization is run. (Huffington Post, 1/25)

China's quest for international "discourse influence" threatens media environments in Africa

In December, South Africa played host to the China-Africa Media Summit in Cape Town, a lead-up event to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit (FOCACS). Representatives from 120 media organizations in 47 African countries and some Chinese media participated in the summit, whose theme was “A new era of win-win media cooperation between China and Africa.” The summit, the first of its kind between Chinese and African leaders, demonstrates China’s recent emphasis on influencing international discourse related to China and its interests. (CIMA, 1/25)

How to reap the benefits of online communities for journalists

There are numerous free online communities available to journalists on the web, readily accessible to both established and student journalists.

But how are these groups and discussions on social media useful to those in the industry, and how can we get the most out of them? (, 1/21) 

How we use digital media is drastically changing our lives

Ever feel helpless and anxious without your mobile? You're in good company: millions of consumers of digital media, entertainment and information have found their lives revolutionized by the power at their fingertips.

Half of us believe that increased use of digital media has improved our lives, according to recent World Economic Forum research. From social networking to how we work, digital media is now integrated in much of what we do, improving our productivity and facilitating how we interact and communicate. (Huffington Post, 1/20)

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Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via European Parliament.