Media outlets in Brazil create video games to reach new audiences

por IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 em Miscellaneous

A new form of storytelling in Brazil, how the Washington Post's computers were hacked, print media's relationship with technology tycoons and more are found in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA).

Journalism and video games come together as a new form of storytelling in Brazil

The magazine Superinteressante is among a number of Brazilian publishers who have reached new audiences by producing games on topics like drug trafficking and police investigations. (Nieman Journalism Lab, 8/9)

Here’s how the Syrian Electronic Army’s hack worked

The Syrian Electronic Army’s attack against The Washington Post succeeded because of a vulnerability in Outbrain, a third-party content recommendation service. (Washington Post, 8/15)

Pakistan courts YouTube comeback

Pakistan is reassessing its ban on YouTube following a challenge by Internet rights group Bytes for All in the Lahore High Court. (Wall Street Journal, 8/14)

Technology industry extends a hand to struggling print media

From classifieds to display ads to subscriptions, the digital age has broken the financial pillars of print journalism, leaving the industry struggling to stand on its own. (New York Times, 8/11)

North Korea, innovation powerhouse?

Ever since Google CEO Eric Schmidt returned from his much-publicized trip to North Korea earlier this year, the world’s “hermit kingdom” appears to have undergone an innovation renaissance. (Washington Post, 8/14)