International Journalism Festival showcases engagement and crowdsourcing tools, tips

par IJNet
30 oct 2018 dans Miscellaneous

The journalism tools featured at #IJF16, becoming a self-employed journalist and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Tools and tips for engagement and crowdsourcing stories from #IJF16

Journalism conferences and events will often talk about the 'rules of engagement' – what are the best off and on-platform approaches to building a two-way rapport with the audience?

In a session at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia today (April 8), the conversation on engagement also covered the tools and technology available to newsrooms, as well as tips for crowdsourcing stories from the community. (, 4/8)

Is going solo a good idea? These journalists are giving it a try

Luke Timmerman was about to place a very big bet on himself.

Slightly more than a year ago, the veteran reporter quit his job at a startup and decided to go into business for himself. The business, as it had been for more than a decade, was journalism. But this time, he was the boss. And there was no one else on staff. (Poynter, 4/11)

The dark side of Guardian comments

Comments allow readers to respond to an article instantly, asking questions, pointing out errors, giving new leads. At their best, comment threads are thoughtful, enlightening, funny: online communities where readers interact with journalists and others in ways that enrich the Guardian’s journalism.

But at their worst, they are something else entirely. (The Guardian, 4/12)

How Meedan is building tools for collaborative investigative work

Meedan, an international team of journalists, technologists and designers, is building ‘pipelines’ - tools that work together to help journalists investigate and translate information available online.

The team of 12 is looking for “ways to facilitate the work that journalists are doing,” said An Xiao Mina, who leads the product team at Meedan, speaking at the International Journalism Festival in Italy yesterday (April 8). (, 4/9)

CIMA offers the Mash Up free via email. Sign up here.

Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Eni.