Non-coding journalists can visualize data with Cloudstitch

par IJNet
30 oct 2018 dans Data Journalism

How Cloudstitch will allow journalists to visualize data-driven stories without coding experience, Slate launches a podcast platform, what it's like to cover ISIS and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

How Cloudstitch aims to open up data-driven stories

A web app designed to make data-driven storytelling more accessible for journalists with no coding experience has been awarded US$35,000 (£22,805) in the latest round of Knight Foundation prototype funding. Cloudstitch, currently in private beta, aims to offer an open source model for non-programmers to produce interactives which can then be integrated into any website. (, 2/23)

Drilling down: a quick guide to free and inexpensive data tools

Newsrooms don't need large budgets for analyzing data--they can easily access basic data tools that are free or inexpensive. (Global Investigative Journalism Network, 2/25)

Egyptian blogger sentenced to five years in prison for protest role

A blogger who came to be one of the best-known faces of the 2011 uprising in Egypt was sentenced to five years in prison on Monday, part of the military-backed government’s continuing crackdown on dissent. (The New York Times, 2/23)

Slate's Panoply platform is serious about podcasts

Slate's Andy Bowers has worked on podcasts for nearly 10 years. It took that long for him to feel that the medium had established a foothold that could be used to launch something more ambitious than a few individual podcasts. Then, a show called Serial came along. (Mashable, 2/25)

Longform podcast No. 129: Rukmini Callimachi

The Longform podcast interviews Rukmini Callimachi about her experience covering ISIS for The New York Times. (Longform, 2/18)

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Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via arbyreed.