What the Global Editors Network learned from 10 hackdays around the globe

por IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 en Journalism Basics

Lessons learned from journalism hackdays, a roundup of tools and apps for digital journalists, a map of declining Internet freedom and more are found in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA).

Here are IJNet's picks from this week's stories:

10 lessons from 10 journalism hackdays around the world

Over the past 10 months, Antoine Laurent's job at the Global Editors Network gave him the opportunity to be touring the most renowned newsrooms all over the world to organize journalism hackdays where teams of journalists, designers and developers competed in the development of innovative journalism tools, content and apps. (Medium, 10/1)

20 tools and apps for digital journalists

A collection of some of the best storytelling, search and productivity tools and apps for journalists. (Journalism.co.uk, 10/3)

Teaching a journalism MOOC: 5 tips and techniques

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become a hot topic this year in the press. It seems on a daily basis there is some article or blog post talking about the latest MOOC platform, MOOC course being offered or debate about this type of learning. (MediaShift, 10/2)

Here are the countries where Internet freedom has declined most

As much as online journalists love reports that rank things, even they must sometimes resist the urge to blog about them, even "in one map." Because honestly, some countries are just going to either be really good or bad at various things for the foreseeable future. (The Atlantic, 10/3)

CIMA offers the Mash Up free via email. Sign up here.

Image CC-licensed on Flickr via boellstiftung.