NPR's Storytelling Lab started 'like a pop-up restaurant'

by IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 in Multimedia Journalism

NPR's Michael May explains how public radio's Storytelling Lab works, why infographics are important and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Experimenting with NPR’s new Storytelling Lab

NPR is coming out of its car radio.

The nonprofit broadcasting giant is slated to break even for the first time in six years, according to Wired. That progress is rooted in a combination of good fortune and good strategy—podcasts are “in” this season, and the broadcaster is hoping to capitalize on on-demand streaming with the new NPR One app, a web and mobile “infinite player”—but NPR is also aiming to get ahead of industry trends.

That’s much of the impetus for the new Storytelling Lab, overseen by Chris Turpin, the vice president of news programming and operations. (Columbia Journalism Review, 6/17)

Infographics are evolving

The Internet is full of noise, and your job is to break through that wall of information with something that resonates with your target audience. When you are communicating any message, you want to ensure that your audience will understand and remember the valuable takeaways about your products or services. You want your communication to be clear and concise. This is where infographics come in. (The Huffington Post, 6/15)

Changing online communities: 10 good questions with The Coral Project’s Greg Barber

The Coral Project aims to change how publishers, contributors and readers think about interacting in online communities — and it wants to do so with anyone interested. (American Press Institute, 6/17)

The best digital strategists don’t think in terms of either/or

It has become an axiom that “strategy is about making hard choices,” as we have been advised for over 20 years by leading thinkers including Michael Porter and Roger Martin. But our work with a community of senior executives in the Bay Area suggests that today’s market leaders are following the advice of Yogi Berra: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Faced with hard choices, innovators find ways to transcend the tradeoffs. While their competitors make the hard choice between one or the other path, these businesses reap the benefit of both. (Mark Boncheck and Cara France, Harvard Business Review, 6/16)

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Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Atomic Taco.