Build interactive stories using Adobe Slate on the web

by IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 in Digital Journalism

Adobe Slate allows journalists to create immersive stories online, Facebook reportedly debuting a news app soon and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

How to create immersive stories using Adobe Slate

The iPad app is now available as a web platform for creating engaging stories using images and text. (, 11/4)

Facebook's Notify news app reportedly launching next week

Facebook's upcoming news app Notify may finally be ready to make its debut. The Financial Times reports that the social network's new standalone app for receiving real-time news updates will launch next week. Dozens of outlets, including Vogue, Mashable, The Washington Post, and CNN, are reportedly involved as content partners. (The Verge, 11/4)

NPR is building an analytics bot that emphasizes caring over clicks

For years, journalists have railed against pageviews and uniques, twin metrics that have established supremacy over much of the Internet. Their argument, all tidied up, goes like this: Pageviews and uniques tend to emphasize frivolous content (think cat videos) at the expense of time-intensive journalism. The metrics can be gamed by publishers with the money and inclination to buy traffic. And a lack of standardization throughout the industry has led to confusion among advertisers and outlets about the value of a click. (Poynter, 11/4)

Spain’s news media are squeezed by government and debt

Newspapers almost everywhere have struggled to adjust to digital technology and declining advertising revenues.

But in Spain, the rapid restructuring of a shrinking industry — more than 11,000 journalists have lost their jobs here in seven years — has also prompted mounting concerns over whether Spain’s most established papers have lost their editorial independence amid the financial squeeze. (The New York Times, 11/5)

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Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Charis Tsevis.