The Guardian's advice for turning blogging into a career

بواسطة IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 في Journalism Basics

How to take blogging from hobby to livelihood, how the BBC overhauled its podcast-making process and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance. 

Want to become a star blogger? Here's how to do it

Tailor social media to your readers, update your content regularly and avoid adverts to turn blogging into a career, advise The Guardian's experts. (The Guardian, 7/20)

Re-architecting podcasts

BBC Podcasts recently saw a complete overhaul of the way they are created, managed and displayed to users. Zillah Myers, release manager, explains how it was done. (BBC, 7/21)

Being a good journalist means learning how to keep a secret

The role of journalists is to make information public. The irony is that in order to do so, they need to keep lots of things secrets. What news organizations don’t worry enough about is keeping the identity of their readers secret. In an era when electronic spycraft is rampant, people who go to a website looking for news can unwittingly endanger themselves just by clicking on a story or video. (CJR, 7/20)

Turkey blocks access to Twitter following deadly bombing

Court orders social media sites to remove images and video of terrorist attack that killed 32 this week. (The Verge, 7/22)

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